Monday, April 5, 2010

Back to reality

After spring break one of the hardest things to due is get yourself back into "school" mode. During spring everything that matters regarding school goes totally out the window. When you get back here you gotta go and find all that stuff and put it back together. I finally am getting back into school mode but it took a little while to do so and was not a pleasant process. Something i want to write about in this blog is a topic that's really appealing to me. Tiger woods today gave a press conference for the fist time since he left golf. This is one of the top stories throughout the country and millions and millions of people across the world are eagerly awaiting Tigers return. I play golf and also really enjoy watching it but when Tiger isnt involved in any of the tournaments it takes alot away from the sport. It alot of fun to watch when Tiger is playing becuase he's probably the greatest golfer to ever live and without him there's really no man to beat in the tournament. This is my favorite time of the year for sports. The final four is taking place in indianpolis and I am trying to get myself tickets to go to it. Unfortunetly the tickets are rediculously expensive becuase there in such high demand. None of the teams that I wanted to win are still in the tournament but this is one of the most exciting and dramatic sporting events in the history of all sports. The weather is great, life is great, and this is the last blog I have to write, not that I didnt enjoy them but im happy to get some work behind me.